If a child has a watery and sticky eye it can initially be treated conservatively with lacrimal sac massage. Antibiotic eye drops help to clear any sticky infected discharge. Your GP can prescribe the antibiotics and advise you on the sac massage.
If the watering does not settle by the time the child is 10 -12 months of age, it is advisable to perform a syringe and probing of the nasolacrimal duct. The procedure is done to perforate and open the membrane that blocks the duct at its exit into the nasal cavity. It is a quick and simple procedure done under a general anaesthetic. If the probing is delayed to beyond 18 to 20 months of age, then a silicone stent is inserted into the duct to prevent it from re-stenosing. The stent is typically removed 3 months post procedure.
It’s natural to feel anxious when it comes to treatment and surgical procedures especially in relation to your eyes. I encourage you to ask questions about your condition, so I can help you to be better informed of your condition, the treatment options available and allay any fears that you may have. During the consultation I will explain the procedures to you and help you to make positive choices, and remember there is always the option of doing nothing, so you have nothing to worry about.