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Watery Eye Treatment

Involves assessing the reason for watery eyes and offering the appropriate treatment to reduce watering.

Watery Eye Treatment
Syringing of the tear duct
Syringing of the tear duct

This is an essential test when assessing the reason for watery eyes. A cannula filled with saline is inserted into the punctum to check it’s patency.


A watery eye could be due to the stenosis or closure of the punctum of the eyelid. The punctum is the entrance of your tear drainage system situated on the inner corner of your eyelid.

DCR (DacryoCystroRhinostomy)
DCR (DacryoCystroRhinostomy)

It is an operation where a new drainage passage is made between the lacrimal sac and the nose, to divert the tears directly into the nose bypassing the blockage in the nasolacrimal duct.